Thursday, September 18, 2008

Things that kids say...

Hey, I'm still here! Been really busy with school, a lot of assignments, still having fun though. Hmmm... let me refrase that. Or rather explain it better. There is this teacher that has his head up his own you-know-what. He is completely, utterly, full of himself. He looks down to all the students, and he is the subject of many conversations in the cafeteria. We have to endure this guy. I don't really know how long more I can take it without opening my mouth.

Anyway... back to more pleasant things. Today something really funny happened. Last night I was in the middle of talking to my husband about family stuff (we don't see each other often, hectic life), when Ethan asked me to staple some papers. I did that and he asked me to staple it again, so I did.

This morning we were all getting ready - you know how mornings can be - and I look and he is sitting on the sofa, with this very long face.

"Ethan, what's up?"

"It's going to take me a loooooooooong time to make another Ethan book", he says and starts sobbing.

He stands up, turns to me, open his arms, walks in my direction, crying:

"Mom, I feel really sad, can I have a hug?"

"What's going on, why are you feeling so sad?"

"Because you messed up my book, you stapled all over it, I had to throw it in the recycle bin."

"Go get it, I will fix it for you."

He brings it to me, tells me about those papers being an "Ethan book". I grab the little stapler, with the little thingy at the end I carefully remove both staples, and staple them again along the "book spine". By then he is already smiling.

Mommy is his hero. =)

He ends the issue with a consideration on the stapler, he thinks it's a very cool thing.

I was late for school about 10 minutes. The teacher says he is going to lock the classroom door next week, no one late will be allowed in. I don't really care. I made my boy really sad and really happy this morning. =) I'm his hero for the day.

And the teacher? Guess which teacher it is. Right, Mr. Full-of-Himself. Bleh!

..:: iHero ::..


  1. Tem gente que se empenha em ser chato, viu? Mas sempre pode acontecer algo e salvar o dia, né? ;)

  2. Ai, esse cara parece ser nojento, detesto gente assim. E tadinho do seu filhote... pelo menos ele ficou feliz quando voce "consertou" o problema. rsrs.


  3. Kenia & Lucia.
    Ele e' simplesmente intragavel. Pior que tenho duas disciplinas diferentes com ele, entao ja' viu, a gente ouve a mesma baboseira em dose dupla. Ja' sei mais sobre os filhos dele than I'd care to know. Eu entendo o que e' ser um pai orgulhoso dos filhos, but there's a limit to how often you talk about it to your students.
    Ele vive se gabando de como os "big studios" em Toronto ligam p/ ele p/ pedir fotografos/assistentes, de que ele so' recomenda os melhores dos melhores, bla bla bla, e' so' o que a gente escuta: o bla bla bla.

    Um aluno foi perguntar algo p/ ele e a resposta foi que ele nao iria explicar pq queria que o aluno fosse descobrir por si mesmo.
    Entao nao e' pra' exatamente isso que a gente paga, e muito bem, o professor?

    To passada viu... Semana que vem vou conversar com o coordenador. A maioria dos alunos se sente exatamente como eu, so' que todo mundo tem medo de falar algo, pois ele tem o tipo do professor que ira' fazer o aluno pagar nas notas.

    Agora mesmo eu recebi um email dele. Veja soh. A gente tinha que mandar um email p/ ele do rascunho do email generico que vamos mandar p/ photographers p/ nossa work week em outubro. Meu email ta setup p/ aparecer o nome "Elaine Bittencourt", mas na verdade esse nao e' o meu ultimo sobrenome, eu tenho 3 sobrenomes, o ultimo-ultimo e' Cavalheiro. (long story short - eu uso o Bittencourt p/ meus graphic design).
    Entao ele me respondeu dizendo que a unica Elaine que ele tem na lista de alunos e' a Cavalheiro, e que se eu sou essa (!!!!!!!!!) entao e' melhor eu mudar o nome no email senao a Cavalheiro vai ficar sem notas!


  4. I make those books for Gabi all of the time. ALL the time. She loves those homemade books. Pretty ingenius of our kids if I do say so myself, lol.

  5. Laural, let me tell you this. The moment he stood up, started crying and said he sad because of the book, I thought about you and your post about Gabi's toy! Seriously!

    beijocas! ;)
