Saturday, January 5, 2008


I was reading somewhere about blogging one inspirational word a day for year of 2008, as well taking one picture a day. I wish I could make that a resolution and stick with it, but I can't. I will do what I can to share one or two pictures here and there, whenever I have the time.

Anyway... I was eating grape tomatoes while thinking about all that and thought they would make a great shot! This was a few days ago, and yes, I still have my Christmas tree up, tomorrow it will go away though.

The inspirational word for this picture is

* to have a good time
* to take pleasure or satisfaction in

Enjoy 2008, one day at a time!

..:: ::..

1 comment:

  1. Que foto mais linda, amiga!
    Você é muito talentosa, Laney!
    Parabéns, minha querida!
