On a positive note, we are finally putting up the tiles in the kitchen, eating area, powder room, entrance. Well, I actually should wait until is really down under my feet to say anything eh? Having a husband that has a business in construction/renovation is not exactly the best thing. How does that saying about the shoemaker kids go? Exactly!
I am not working at the moment, just home with the kids for the school summer holiday. September is just around the corner, I can see it coming already. Time just flies too fast for my taste. The brighter side of it (there's always a bright side to any situation, believe me!) is that I will be going into my second (and last!) year of College. What the future has for me? I have no idea, but there better be something there! LOL I do have some plans, but plans can change depending of the circumstances, right?
I decided that I need to blog more often. I don't really blog about anything that has to do with my life besides my love for movies, books, and whatever digi products I am putting out. That's so lame!
Lately I've been reading several blogs by Brazilian women who live abroad. Very interesting. If you speak Portuguese you can check the links on the right. There are two blogs included in the list that are actually by 2 Americans: one who is married to a Brazilian, and another one who lived in Rio de Janeiro.
I haven't been feeling the best lately. Very emotional with a lot of crap going around my personal life. I don't like talking about my life to anyone though. But that's the reason that I pretty much am quiet for the past few weeks. Somedays I look at Photoshop, blink twice, and close it. Other days I hear it calling my name... "elaine... elaine..." but I ignore it. I should go out for walks. Walking did me a lot of good a few years ago, not only to my body, but to my mind as well.
I miss photography so much! I am looking forward to school coming back in September, I need a camera so bad. Whenever I go out I see all these things and moments that I need to shoot! I guess they will only stay in my mind...
Heard about this new tv series, Flashpoint? If you live in the Toronto area, you can catch the first episode this Friday, July 11th, at 10pm. Something to look forward in the tellie, I haven't watched much tv this summer, which is a good thing. I have lots of books to read though.
Well... that's it for now. I was going to post a picture to finish off the post... but I'd need to open Photoshop and edit it... and you know how it is, my ears can't hear the Photoshop call right now.
..:: Be well, have a great week, God bless you! ::..
Thank you for adding me to your blogroll!
ReplyDeleteI read back quite a ways, but wasn't able to tell- are you the Brasilian, or is your husband?
OI Elaine, vim agradecer seu apoio. Sabe aquilo que voce falou, eh exatamente o que tento fazer quando o desanimo vem, penso que nao quero ser garconete o resto da minha vida, e soh de pensar nisso jah me da a motivacao que eu preciso.
ReplyDeleteTo conseguindo levar a aula aos trancos e barrancos, mas te digo, tah dificil... nossa, como ta.
Com relacao ao meu marido me apoiar, quase sempre ele me apoia, mas foi uma luta grande de ele aceitar aquilo que EU quero fazer e nao o que ELE quer que eu faca. Tivemos muitas discussoes sobre isso, porq eu fiquei muito tempo pesquisando e decidindo o que queria fazer, jah que jah fiz uma faculdade no Brasil e no final nao eh o que eu queria, entao eu tinha que tomar a decisao certa dessa vez, e p isso eu "enrolei" muito, no fundo eu jah sabia mas meu marido queria porq queria que eu fizesse Business... foi uma briga, mas quando eu finalmente bati os pehs no chao eu falei p ele, "com voce ou sem voce eh isso que vou fazer", e daquele dia em diante ele tem me apoiado cem por cento, ele acredita mais em mim do que eu mesma. Ateh me ajuda com as licoes de casa ele ajuda. As vezes a gente tem que passar por fases assim p aprender.
Mudando de assunto, eu gostei que voce escreveu hoje, mais sobre voce, sobre seu dia a dia, continue assim, eh gostoso, ajuda a relaxar, e atraves dos blogs a gente faz "amigos", "conhecidos" pessoas que estao ali p voce, no matter what.
Espero que se sinta melhor logo viu.
Beijos e obrigada pelas visitas ao blog. Virei aqui mais vezes tb.
Estava esperando você escrever um post novo para começar a comentar, mas você não tem escrito... Se Maomé não vai até a montanha...
ReplyDeleteEu só não falo mais das minhas crises no blog porque o pessoal que vai lá está mais preocupado com dicas de imigração, mas tem dias que não aguento e "desabo". Faz bem :)