Friday, May 23, 2008

June 2008 wallpaper

I have several new products at PDW, some of them are part of PDW's Friday's Favourites, check them out {images clickable}:

Some alphas:

My monthly wallpaper has been uploaded. It's one zip file with 3 different sizes. I went over the download logs at 4shared and it gave me a pretty good idea of what sizes are the most popular downloads, so those are the ones I am offering: 1024x768 - 1280x1024 - 1440x900 The wallpaper was created with my collab for PDW March Team Project.

“Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.”

..:: Enjoy! ::..


  1. This is the sparkle! Thanks so much.

  2. Oie,

    Sou a Barbara do blog:

    Meu ingles ainda nao esta atao bom assim, mas vou dar uma olhadona no seu blog....hehehehhe

    Amo seus comentarios, fico feliz em recebe-los....apareca sempre....

    E vou te responder todos, ok?

    Beijos grandes e fiquem com Deus
